Last active 1729872076

My starship.toml configuration

matthew's Avatar matthew revised this gist 1729872076. Go to revision

No changes

matthew's Avatar Matthew Weier O'Phinney revised this gist 1729872015. Go to revision

1 file changed, 194 insertions

starship.toml(file created)

@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
1 + # Get editor completions based on the config schema
2 + "$schema" = ''
3 +
4 + # format = '$all'
5 +
6 + # The  character is nf-pl-left_hard_divider, UTF8 #e0b0
7 + # (The equivalent pointing the other direction is #e0b2)
8 +
9 + # This was the first line of the format previously
10 + # [░▒▓](#073642)\
11 +
12 + format = """
13 + [░](#073642)\
14 + $username(bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5)\
15 + $hostname(bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5)\
16 + [](bg:#586e75 fg:#073642)\
17 + $localip\
18 + $shlvl\
19 + $singularity\
20 + $kubernetes\
21 + $directory\
22 + [](bg:#2aa198 fg:#586e75)\
23 + $vcsh\
24 + $fossil_branch\
25 + $fossil_metrics\
26 + $git_branch\
27 + $git_commit\
28 + $git_state\
29 + $git_metrics\
30 + $git_status\
31 + $hg_branch\
32 + [](bg:#073642 fg:#2aa198)\
33 + $pijul_channel\
34 + $docker_context\
35 + $package\
36 + $c\
37 + $cmake\
38 + $cobol\
39 + $daml\
40 + $dart\
41 + $deno\
42 + $dotnet\
43 + $elixir\
44 + $elm\
45 + $erlang\
46 + $fennel\
47 + $gleam\
48 + $golang\
49 + $guix_shell\
50 + $haskell\
51 + $haxe\
52 + $helm\
53 + $java\
54 + $julia\
55 + $kotlin\
56 + $gradle\
57 + $lua\
58 + $nim\
59 + $nodejs\
60 + $ocaml\
61 + $opa\
62 + $perl\
63 + $php\
64 + $pulumi\
65 + $purescript\
66 + $python\
67 + $quarto\
68 + $raku\
69 + $rlang\
70 + $red\
71 + $ruby\
72 + $rust\
73 + $scala\
74 + $solidity\
75 + $swift\
76 + $terraform\
77 + $typst\
78 + $vlang\
79 + $vagrant\
80 + $zig\
81 + $buf\
82 + $nix_shell\
83 + $conda\
84 + $meson\
85 + $spack\
86 + [](bg:#002b36 fg:#073642)\
87 + $memory_usage\
88 + $aws\
89 + $gcloud\
90 + $openstack\
91 + $azure\
92 + $nats\
93 + $direnv\
94 + $env_var\
95 + $crystal\
96 + $custom\
97 + $sudo\
98 + $cmd_duration\
99 + $line_break\
100 + $jobs\
101 + $battery\
102 + $time\
103 + $status\
104 + $os\
105 + $container\
106 + $shell\
107 + $character"""
108 +
109 + # $shell\
110 + # [ ](fg:#002b36)\
111 + # $character"""
112 +
113 + # DO NOT insert a blank line between shell prompts
114 + add_newline = false
115 +
116 + palette = 'solarized-dark'
117 +
118 + [palettes.solarized-dark]
119 + # Overwrite colorscheme
120 + # Not sure if I need to, but leaving this here as a placeholder
121 +
122 + [aws]
123 + disabled = true
124 +
125 + [azure]
126 + disabled = true
127 +
128 + [battery]
129 + disabled = true
130 +
131 + [character]
132 + # success_symbol = '[](bold #859900)'
133 + # error_symbol = '[](bold #dc322f)'
134 + success_symbol = '[](bold #859900)'
135 + error_symbol = '[](bold #dc322f)'
136 +
137 + [cmd_duration]
138 + disabled = true
139 +
140 + [directory]
141 + style = "fg:#e3e5e5 bg:#586e75"
142 + format = "[ $path ]($style)"
143 + truncation_length = 3
144 + truncation_symbol = "…/"
145 +
146 + [gcloud]
147 + disabled = true
148 +
149 + [git_branch]
150 + # symbol = ""
151 + style = "bg:#2aa198"
152 + format = '[[ $symbol $branch ](fg:#073642 bg:#2aa198)]($style)'
153 +
154 + [git_status]
155 + style = "bg:#2aa198"
156 + format = '[[($all_status$ahead_behind )](fg:#073642 bg:#2aa198)]($style)'
157 +
158 + [hostname]
159 + ssh_only = false
160 + style = "bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5"
161 + format = '[$ssh_symbol$hostname in ]($style)'
162 +
163 + [line_break]
164 + disabled = true
165 +
166 + [localip]
167 + ssh_only = true
168 +
169 + [lua]
170 + style = "bg:#073642"
171 + format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)'
172 +
173 + [nodejs]
174 + style = "bg:#073642"
175 + format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)'
176 +
177 + [os]
178 + disabled = true
179 +
180 + [php]
181 + style = "bg:#073642"
182 + format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)'
183 +
184 + [python]
185 + style = "bg:#073642"
186 + format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)'
187 +
188 + [time]
189 + disabled = true
190 +
191 + [username]
192 + show_always = true
193 + style_user = "bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5"
194 + format = '[$user@]($style)'
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