# Get editor completions based on the config schema "$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json' # format = '$all' # The  character is nf-pl-left_hard_divider, UTF8 #e0b0 # (The equivalent pointing the other direction is #e0b2) # This was the first line of the format previously # [░▒▓](#073642)\ format = """ [░](#073642)\ $username(bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5)\ $hostname(bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5)\ [](bg:#586e75 fg:#073642)\ $localip\ $shlvl\ $singularity\ $kubernetes\ $directory\ [](bg:#2aa198 fg:#586e75)\ $vcsh\ $fossil_branch\ $fossil_metrics\ $git_branch\ $git_commit\ $git_state\ $git_metrics\ $git_status\ $hg_branch\ [](bg:#073642 fg:#2aa198)\ $pijul_channel\ $docker_context\ $package\ $c\ $cmake\ $cobol\ $daml\ $dart\ $deno\ $dotnet\ $elixir\ $elm\ $erlang\ $fennel\ $gleam\ $golang\ $guix_shell\ $haskell\ $haxe\ $helm\ $java\ $julia\ $kotlin\ $gradle\ $lua\ $nim\ $nodejs\ $ocaml\ $opa\ $perl\ $php\ $pulumi\ $purescript\ $python\ $quarto\ $raku\ $rlang\ $red\ $ruby\ $rust\ $scala\ $solidity\ $swift\ $terraform\ $typst\ $vlang\ $vagrant\ $zig\ $buf\ $nix_shell\ $conda\ $meson\ $spack\ [](bg:#002b36 fg:#073642)\ $memory_usage\ $aws\ $gcloud\ $openstack\ $azure\ $nats\ $direnv\ $env_var\ $crystal\ $custom\ $sudo\ $cmd_duration\ $line_break\ $jobs\ $battery\ $time\ $status\ $os\ $container\ $shell\ $character""" # $shell\ # [ ](fg:#002b36)\ # $character""" # DO NOT insert a blank line between shell prompts add_newline = false palette = 'solarized-dark' [palettes.solarized-dark] # Overwrite colorscheme # Not sure if I need to, but leaving this here as a placeholder [aws] disabled = true [azure] disabled = true [battery] disabled = true [character] # success_symbol = '[](bold #859900)' # error_symbol = '[](bold #dc322f)' success_symbol = '[](bold #859900)' error_symbol = '[](bold #dc322f)' [cmd_duration] disabled = true [directory] style = "fg:#e3e5e5 bg:#586e75" format = "[ $path ]($style)" truncation_length = 3 truncation_symbol = "…/" [gcloud] disabled = true [git_branch] # symbol = "" style = "bg:#2aa198" format = '[[ $symbol $branch ](fg:#073642 bg:#2aa198)]($style)' [git_status] style = "bg:#2aa198" format = '[[($all_status$ahead_behind )](fg:#073642 bg:#2aa198)]($style)' [hostname] ssh_only = false style = "bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5" format = '[$ssh_symbol$hostname in ]($style)' [line_break] disabled = true [localip] ssh_only = true [lua] style = "bg:#073642" format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)' [nodejs] style = "bg:#073642" format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)' [os] disabled = true [php] style = "bg:#073642" format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)' [python] style = "bg:#073642" format = '[ $symbol($version) ]($style)' [time] disabled = true [username] show_always = true style_user = "bg:#073642 fg:#eee8d5" format = '[$user@]($style)'